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internal funding

The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute offers internal sources of stipend funding and travel support to national and international meetings.

Trainees benefiting from Internal Awards are expected to fully participate in GCI fundraising and public outreach initiatives. Please note that postponement of the award start date may be granted for a maximum of four months.

All trainees of the GCI must apply to external funding agencies for their stipend support even if they obtain GCI Internal Awards.

Please refer to the following site for external funding opportunities: Studentships and Fellowships.

The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI) offers internal sources of stipend funding and travel support to national and international meetings.

Trainees benefiting from Internal Awards are expected to fully participate in GCI fundraising  and public outreach initiatives. Please note that postponement of the award start date may be granted for a maximum of four months.

Internal Award Competition General Information and Guidelines:

  • Applications are grouped into 4 distinct categories: MSc; Jr. PhD; Sr. PhD and Post-doctoral Fellows.
  • There is no quota for the # of applications per Laboratory. However, it is unlikely that we will be able to fund more than 1 student per Laboratory.
  • Please note that only Sr. PhD students (PhD4* and above) with a first author paper submitted, accepted, or published are eligible to apply.
  • All applicants must be able to prove that they have applied for other sources of funding.
  • Recipients cannot combine funding from other internal or external awards.
  • Laboratories who do not benefit from recruitment awards will be prioritized in the funding process.
  •  All applicants must be under the supervision of a scientist who is a full member of the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute
  • Awards are non-renewable.
  • Applicants starting their studies in the upcoming Fall semester can apply by submitting their complete application via e-mail to: studentaffairs.gci@mcgill.ca 

*To clarify, year 4 and above signifies that trainees who have completed 2 full years are considered senior PhD’s when they begin their 3rd academic year since most students begin as PhD2.

Each Application must contain the following:

  1. Application:
    • Title Page that includes candidate's name, graduate status, current supervisor, and project title.
    •  A detailed summary of candidate's proposed research project- The summary must be written by the candidate and should not exceed 2 pages, including references
    • The names and e-mails of your 1-3 referees. Reference letters are to be sent by the referees directly to: studentaffairs.gci@mcgill.ca with the candidates full name in the e-mail subject.
    • C.V. (including a list of publications)
    • A copy of academic transcripts. PhD and PDF applicants do not need to submit undergraduate transcripts.
    • Reprints/preprints of the candidate's two most important papers, if applicable.
  2. Lay Summary
  3. Headshot and
  4. Signed and dated Photo release form


Canderel Graduate Studentship Award
The Canderel Graduate Studentship Awards are made possible by the ongoing efforts of Mr. Jonathan Wener, the founder and CEO of Canderel Inc., and the Défi Canderel annual fundraising event .
Canderel Awards are designed to help in the acquisition of excellent students and postdoctoral fellows who require salary support up to the time that they can be supported by external funding agencies.

*Candidate must be a Graduate Student who is within the first year of their program.

Application deadline
May 15


Cure Foundation Fellowship in Breast Cancer Research
CURE Foundation Fellowship in Breast Cancer Research, established in 2013, will be granted to an outstanding graduate student working on a breast cancer focused research project.

*Candidate must be a Graduate Student who is within the first year of their program.

Application deadline
May 15


Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation Oncology Ph.D. Fellowship (4)
The Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation PhD Fellowship Awards are designed to support outstanding trainees at McGill University pursuing research at the Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI).

*Candidate must be a PhD Student within any year of their program.

Application deadline
May 15


Donner Foundation
The Donner Studentship Award is made possible by the Donner Foundation and is designed to support outstanding trainees pursuing research on the genetics of cancer initiation or progression at McGill University’s GCI.

*Candidate must be a PhD Student within any year of their program pursuing research on the genetics of cancer initiation or progression.

Application deadline
May 15


Dr. Victor KS Lui Studentship
Dr. Victor KS Lui Studentship Awards are designed to support outstanding trainees at McGill University pursuing research at the GCI.

*Candidate must be a PhD Student within any year of their program.

Application deadline
May 15


Michael D’Avirro Studentship in Molecular Oncology Research
Michael D’Avirro Studentship in Molecular Oncology Research was established in 2010 through the testamentary trust of Micheal D’Avirro, MDCM 1974.

*Candidate must be a Graduate Student pursuing research in metabolism and cancer.

Application deadline
May 15


Rosalind Goodman Commemorative Scholarship
In October 2014 an annual scholarship, in the amount of $25,000, has been established in fond memory of Mrs. Rosalind Goodman by the Directorship of the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute. This was made possible through funds generously donated by the family, friends and colleagues of Rosalind and Morris Goodman to celebrate the life and work of Rosalind Goodman. The Goodman family remains the strongest advocate for basic cancer research and a generous benefactor of the Cancer Research Institute.

The studentship, which will be known as the Rosalind Goodman Commemorative Scholarship, serves to recognize the exceptional research and community work of a graduate student in the final years of their Ph.D. studies at the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute.

In addition to outstanding research excellence in the cancer field and in recognition of Rosalind Goodman’s life-long and tireless philanthropic spirit, the recipient of this award will be expected to demonstrate strong and continuous community involvement during his/her tenure at the Goodman Cancer Institute. 

*Candidate must be a graduate student in their final years of PhD studies.

Application deadline
May 15



Questions and concerns should be addressed to studentaffairs.gci@mcgill.ca

Apply here

The GCI offers internal sources of stipend funding and travel support to national and international meetings.

Trainees benefiting from Internal Awards are expected to fully participate in GCI fundraising  and public outreach initiatives. Please note that postponement of the award start date may be granted for a maximum of four months.

Internal Award Competition General Information and Guidelines:

  1. Applications are grouped into 4 distinct categories: MSc; Jr. PhD; Sr. PhD and Post-doctoral Fellows.
  2. There is no quota for the # of applications per Laboratory. However, it is unlikely that we will be able to fund more than 1 student per Laboratory.
  3. All applicants must be able to prove that they have applied for other sources of funding.
  4. Recipients cannot combine funding from other internal or external awards.
  5. Laboratories who do not benefit from recruitment awards will be prioritized in the funding process.
  6. All applicants must be under the supervision of a scientist who is a full member of the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute.
  7. Awards are non-renewable. 
  8. Applicants starting their studies in the upcoming Fall semester can apply by submitting their complete application HERE

Each Application must contain the following: 

  1. Application:
    • Title Page that includes candidate's name, graduate status, current supervisor, and project title. 
    • A detailed summary of candidate's proposed research project - The summary must be written by the candidate and should not exceed 2 pages, including references.
    • 1-3 reference letters, to be sent by the referee(s) directly to: studentaffairs.gci@mcgill.ca with the candidates full name in the e-mail subject
    • C.V. (including a list of publications) 
    • A copy of academic transcripts. PhD and PDF applicants do not need to submit undergraduate transcripts.
    • Reprints/preprints of the candidate's two most important papers, if applicable.
  2. Lay Summary
  3. Headshot and 
  4. Signed and dated Photo release form



Canderel Fellowship Award
The Canderel Graduate Studentship Awards are made possible by the ongoing efforts of Mr. Jonathan Wener, the founder and CEO of Canderel Inc., and the Défi Canderel annual fundraising event. Canderel Awards are designed to help in the acquisition of excellent postdoctoral fellows who require salary support up to the time that they can be supported by external agencies.

*Postdoctoral / Clinical Research Fellow in the first 4 years of the program.

Application deadline
May 15


Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation Oncology Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship Awards are designed to support outstanding trainees at McGill University pursuing research at the Goodman Cancer Institute.

*Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the first 4 years of the program.

Application deadline
May 15


US Friends of McGill Fellowship

*An in memory donation used to provide a postdoctoral award to support the advancement of women in health 

Application deadline
May 15



Questions and concerns should be addressed to studentaffairs.gci@mcgill.ca

Apply here


*These awards are for Postdoctoral Fellows and students only

Stipend Awards

Canderel Conference Travel Award

Application deadline

  • August 15 for travel taking place between September 1 and December 31
  • December 15 for travel taking place between January 1 and April 30
  • April 15 for travel taking place between May 1 and August 31

Up to $1250/conference/2 years
Cannot be combined with another travel award

One travel award per trainee every 2 years.

Uetani Family Travel Award

Application deadline

  • August 15 for travel taking place between September 1 and December 31
  • December 15 for travel taking place between January 1 and April 30
  • April 15 for travel taking place between May 1 and August 31

$1000/conference for PhDs and Post-doctoral fellows

To give a talk at an International conference.

The Mia and David Goodman Family Cancer Research Scholarship

Application deadline


This award supports travel for a limited number of graduate students and/or post–doctoral trainees as part of the existing collaborative partnership between the Goodman Cancer Research Centre in Canada and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Trainees’ travel will be to and from either research institution for a period of 1-2 months.

For cancer research related projects only.

Up to $7,500

The Norman Zavalkoff Family Foundation Travel and Research Award

Application deadline


All graduate students and post-doctoral trainees involved in a collaborative
research project between the full members of GCRC and an academic institution in Israel. 

Between $5,000 and $12,000/year


Applications need to be submitted on a deadline date before the dates of the conferences. For instance, in the June 1 competition for a conference being held later than June 1 of that year.  Applications submitted after the conference will not be awarded.

Apply here

The 2023 Canderel Rising Star Summer Internship Award competition

The Canderel Rising Star Awards are made possible by the ongoing efforts of Mr. Jonathan Wener, the founder and CEO of Canderel Inc., and the Défi Canderel annual fundraising event .
These awards are to support exceptional undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in scientific/medical research. The research internship for undergraduate students is offered during the summer and the student is required to spend a minimum of 10 weeks in the laboratory where they will learn and contribute to the ongoing research. The internships start in May and can be extended for up to four months. Following the Summer Studentship, the student must submit a two page summary report.  


Canderel Rising Star Summer Internship Award

Application deadline
March 31

Minimum of 10-week internship. It is expected that the Award amount be supplemented depending on the duration of the internship.


Please contact GCI Student Affairs for any questions and or concerns.

Apply here

*These awards are for faculty, full and associate members only*

Stipend Awards

The McGill-Weizmann Joint Research Award

Application deadline
No competition in 2018 - 2019

$80,000/project/2 years

Townshend-Lamarre Family Foundation Innovative Research Award

Application deadline
No competition in 2018 - 2019



Interested in applying? Contact us down below for more information.

For any questions about our Internal
please contact us